Zhejiang University Chinese

About ISEE

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Peijian YE

  • Radio Technology 1967

  • Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

  • Chief Designer of the Lunar exploration project and Chang 'E-1 satellite system.

Yongping DUAN

  • Electronic Physics 1983

  • Chairman of Bubugao Group.

  • Topped the “2011 university Alumni donation list”.

Xiongqiang TAO

  • Electronic Physics 1985

  • Vice President of China Putian Information Industry Group.

Weihang WANG

  • Semiconductor Device 1987

  • Chairman  of Beijing Huasheng Tiancheng Technology Co., Ltd.

Shusheng ZHENG

  • Radio Technology 1987

  • Chairman of Hangzhou Dipu Technology Co., Ltd.

Jiangming ZHU

  • Electronic Engineering 1990

  • Vice-president of Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

Lirong ZHENG

  • Photonics, 1992

  • Dean of School of Information Science and Engineering, Fudan University.

Mingyong CHEN

  • Electronic Physics 1992

  • OPPO founder, OPPO CEO.

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